abril 14, 2003

my weekend was completly controlled and owned by preview students (we call them perspectives or prospies) and at first i was a little bitter about it bc when u have ur own single u get kinda territotial about ur space, but i got two ultra sweet girls who were both just so giddy and excited about everything that i couldnt help myself. seeing the school again thru their eyes kind of energized me and made me see it that way again, and realize just how quickly my time here has just flown by, next yr when they come in I'm going to be a junior, thats just amazing and i'm super excited about next yr and my classes and just everything.

theres just so many little things about this weekend that were amusing i dont know what to start with....well one of my prospies spent like 2 hrs (i think its more like 3 but i'll be generous) getting ready yesterday, like it was just amazing bc i cant think of 2hrs worth of stuff that i would do with myself just on a normal morning, like my routine has become 10minutes if that before i go to class. so thats just amazing to me.

oh and they thought they would see more lesbians, that just cracks me up. i was talking to one of my friends whos now an ex-SA since she didnt reapply for next yr, and we were just joking around how if ur roomate being a lesbian is the biggest problem you have with her, be thankful bc it could just be so much worse. i think i'll bring that up during orientation when i'm leading a group of firsties, see how they like that reality.

but yea, all in all i got little sleep this weekend, but i feel good about it so its okay.

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