julio 17, 2008

Things I learned by packing until 2 am

  1. Any man who wears concealer is not the man for me
  2. The man I loved never existed
  3. The girl who loved him is now long since gone

julio 13, 2008

keep on driving

Things I hate right now include but are not limited to:
  • Men - specifically men that I was/will be/could be/should be/and am are currently attracted to
  • My mother
  • Adam Smith
  • Facebook and its need to constant remind me that everyone is getting married but me. Whats up with that fbook? I'm not constantly reminding you that you're not google. Not cool man not cool.

julio 11, 2008

The more things change the more they stay the same

I used to be one of those people that was too good to drink alone.

I am no longer one of those people.