julio 15, 2006

A plumber, a lawyer, and a catholic schoolgirl walk into a bar...

If we weren't sluts we wouldn't have any fun.

That my friends was the quote of the night. I was in the restroom stall ignoring the crying drunk girl at the sink when suddenly one of her other drunk friends in an effort to comfort delivers possibly the greatest line ever uttered in the history of dumb drunk girls everywhere.

It's so true though. Its brilliance lies in its simplicity. If you always did the "right thing" the "smart thing" the "appropriate thing" you would never have any fun. All work and no play, you know?

In the spirit of no work and no play I had a really good night last night. An awesome night. My week was super long. It was all meetings, and trial by fire, and your the only person in the department Jessica, and stare at asp for 8 hours a day, and drop what your doing and go to this meeting in Sugarland, and then order some shirts, and figure out where the faxes come in. A lot of working went on this week. So I needed some major sitting at a bar and drinking to take the edge off the week.

So I did. A couple of Woodchuck Ambers later and the week doesn't seem so rough. Normally when I'm behaving I have 2 drinks and maybe a shot the entire night. Lets just say that it was 12 something and I was way past my quota.

But the drinking was only one part of the fun though. The real fun started way before then when I was getting dressed and wanted to be at once lazy and cute. So I traded my suit pants for a plaid mini-skirt and voila I went from Annie Hall to Catholic Schoolgirl. Now you have to know that my dressing up as a schoolgirl is funniest to myself. Its absurdly funny, so I go with it. Plus I think pretty girls in particular are much too serious about getting dressed. Its all sexy top, cute heels, and jeans and not nearly enough random catholic girl getups. So really I'm doing this for humanity.

So drinking + a catholic schoolgirl getup= getting hit on by my friend's lawyer. The man was like old, but he was rich and it was funny. He knew it wasn't going to happen, but he did it anyways. I like that. I didn't like it enough to go to New York with him on his jet though. So its official that I do not have a gold digger bone in my body. Good times.

I also got hit on by a plumber, but he's adorable and called today just like he said he would so that's impressive. He also didn't give me a look when I told him I majored in Women's Studies, so really he has two things going for him. We'll see what comes of it though.

Okay and now one link:

* Reason a billion and one why I <3 Madeline Albright:

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright on women in power: "I'm not a person who thinks the world would be entirely different if it was run by women. If you think that, you've forgotten what high school was like." (via the fix)

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