enero 28, 2005

long time no post

I'm back at school now after being without the internet for a month with only basic TV channels to keep me in touch with the outside world. So I started and finished Wasterland by Jo Sinclair. It was really great to just sit and read something. I also go to spend massive amounts of time with my daddy, which was awesome because he's really the most fabulous man ever. Other highlights included meeting Andy's grandmother (she's soo cute I could just keep her in my pocket, if that wasnt kidnapping) and getting to watch The Life Aquatic and Closer. And thats it. The weather was both nice (high 70's) and bad (freakish snow failing).

So far here at school things are going awesome. I got my fin aid stuff all worked out so I could register for classes. I found an internship with ACCION headquarters in Boston that would pay me money for something I would gladly do for free. I got into CPR so now I wont not graduate just because I'm missing a PE. I'm taking a comedy class in the english department, so I'm learning really good jokes (Why do blind people hate to go sky diving? It scares the dog). And Andy came to visit and bought me really beautiful white roses and delicious truffles. So its happiness all around. Even though its like -5 outside.

Here are some links:
* The pictures are funny.
* The future is now.
* this week in sex. from nerve.

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