enero 30, 2005

this is my life.

Conversation currently going on outside my room:

girl A: how cold is it outside?
girl B: its 30
girl A: 30! I dont think I even need my coat
girl B: yea I know, I was thinking of going back and putting on my swimsuit
together: hahaha!

I've been really productive lately. I wonder were this energy is coming from? eh oh well. I went to Boston yesterday to drop Andy off and got to go to one of my favorite art stores. plus we went to Dino's and I had the pasta ravioli, which I've been dreaming about for various months now. Plus Yara came with us, so I didnt have to drive back to Moho all by myself. So yea. All is good.

Here are many interesting things that I found:
* We're number 1! Well maybe being number 1 isnt good on this one...
* So there aren't any slutty girls in high school. Interesting. Also interesting that amazingly there are also no gay people at this high school.
* The cutest thing.ever.really.
* disaster porn and lesbians on PBS. What's educational TV coming to these days?
* old article about the awesomeness of MHC
* my new most favorite thing.

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

it's lobster ravioli. that's what makes it so good.

jes dijo...

I must have blanked at the awesomeness of it all.

Brendth dijo...


You should link back to my page somewhere on the right menu. I am to lazy to move the mouse all the way to the back button. It is ever-so far. Plus, what if people don't remember my long URL. Whatever will they do? Do you dare deny them the goodness that is me?
Choose your own adventure:
Deny Them (See B)
Bless Them (See A)

A - I thought not. You are far too nice to do so. I look forward to seeing the link(s), yes? A good day to you madame.

B - You evil b*tch! How dare you deny them me? I am far more interesting than not. You have gained a formidable adversary! You will rue the day you crossed me. Well, start rueing! I declare war on your terror. Good day....... I SAID GOOD DAY!

BP woooooooooo

jes dijo...

brentley i would advice to step away from the drugs.

much love,