enero 05, 2006

one is the primest of prime numbers

I noticed something interesting at the supermarket today. I was the only person there who seems to do any actual cooking (actual cooking being defined as more than heating up frozen food). I, of course, was the youngest person at the supermarket by about 30-40 years which already makes everyone look at me weird. Although I did see a pair of catholic schoolgirls there, but I think they were only using the bank. This is not the first time that I've gone to the supermarket and been the only person pushing a cart filled with vegetables, which makes me wonder if people in Erie cook. Or if all the people in Erie who cook shop someplace else. I know its a union town and people work crazy hours, but I wonder where all the stay at home moms shop. I know they're out there because whenever I make the mistake of going into Target between 10-2pm they're out in full force with their adorable 3 kids, which always makes me feel weird for not having 3 kids myself. But that's something else entirely.

Besides getting weird looks at the supermarket for buying organic spinach today has been a really good day. Granted its 30 degrees outside and its been raining all day but its Erie, its not like I expect to see anymore 80 degree and sunny days anytime soon. So for now the weather is bringing me down, especially since I received an email from UCLA confirming me for a writing class that I'm taking there via the all powerful internet. So today it rocks.

Here are the links:

*4 Reasons to be glad Bush is still president.
*A solar backpack that charges your cell phone. From Target.
*words cannot describe.

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