enero 08, 2006

Pipo chan

Since Andy works 6 days a week, I spent a lot of my time alone. Which is good in a way because I'm a bit of a hermit (and that's putting it mildly) but it also just sucks because I really enjoy hanging out with him. Although it gives me more than ample time to watch a lot of bad TV without judgment. This week the WB ran a marathon of "Beauty and the Geek" a show that I'm sure everyone is ashamed to watch. Mostly because out of all realty TV this is pretty much the worse, its on the WB which already makes it hard to publicly pronounce your love for, and its based off the Bachelor, men and women on a show to win some money by working on a team for money, but with the hope that they'll hook up. Except the show is good. At its core its a really sweet show about people getting to know each other past stereotypes and learn from people who are vastly different from themselves. I think that's what makes it so hard to admit to like this show, its not just bad TV that is enjoyable because its soo bad that its good. Its a show that should be bad, but isn't. My point though is that I wonder if I could manage to weasel my way onto the show as one of the beauties. I've never in my life pretended to be stupid so I wonder if its even possible for me to pass as a blond bimbo. I have the sneaking suspicion that my sarcasm would slide through. Plus I'm sure everyone on that show is properly vented to ensure that no one is faking it. But wouldn't it be great if one of those beauties had actually gone to Cal-Tech and one of those geeks was the man-whore out of all the band geeks? I think then maybe we'd all really challenge some misconceptions.

So yea...here are the links that kept me amused this morning:

*The cute factor.
*Reggaeton is the next big thing. This story just makes me even more jealous of my friend in Puerto Rico.
*Moving to the suburbs isn't everyone's dream.
*A really interesting story about the weird competition between a wife and her mother in law.
*There have been 2,405 coalition deaths in the war in Iraq as of January 9, 2006, according to a CNN count. CNN does a really nice breakdown of those deaths in terms of race, age, nationality as well as providing a listing of all the dead. The very first name on the list is Cpl. Roberto Abad, 22, from Los Angeles, CA. The fact that we're the same age and have the same last name makes his death all the more sad for me. -from fark.com
*affordable mid century modern design. -from purecontemporary.blogs.com
*a list of overlooked albums from 2005. -from slate.com
*And the US has decided that a bridge doesn't constitute dry land.

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