julio 17, 2004

Dear Senior,

I received my first letter from my school addressed to me as a senior. I almost shed a tear. I'm so ready to go back to school and have my jess across the hall from me, my yara across the lake from me, and ev right in the middle. excitement. thinking about commencement and what i'm going to wear. i need to start shopping for green outfits since thats our class color. excitement.
i already found the most perfect dress for senior ball. so i need a laurel parade dress in white, i was thinking about a white pant suit, because i could rock a white pant suit but i dont know i might just want to wear a cute white dress. ahh decisions. and lets see what else. oh i received my graduation requirements so now i know what stands between me and a diploma (2 PE credits and a lab science). and thats school stuff.
i've been working at ACCION Texas as an intern and that's been going really well. There's only 2 people in the office besisdes me so I get to do alot of stuff. So I'm learning a ton and I think I'm getting a good sense of what I want to do and not do once I graduate. I just need to be busy if not I get really bored and start feeling like i'm wasting my time. which isnt cool. but umm yea. it fits into my grander plan of working for ACCION international, which fits into my even grander plan of living in Colombia. or Venezuela if they decide to stabilize themselves. which i dont think is going to happen. but umm yea. thats all.
excited about turning 21 finally. now i get to go out with the big kids and not have to stay home like a dork, unless of course i feel like staying home like a dork in which case thats what i'll be doing.
and some links to keep you busy:
*at least crazy liberals have fun.
*this is just too cute
* another new favorite thing

5 comentarios:

midlfork97 dijo...

jes! oh, i just read your blog and it made me so happy. i never get a chance to check my e-mail here at camp, but tonight i am on night duty (a joyous 21 year old responsibility) and WOMAN, i am SOOO excited about living across the hall from you! we are going to rock the house. I think that i Have missed your birthday. it is either the 17th or the 21st... or maybe neither. i am the worst friend. i left your # at my house on my computer and don't have a way to call you. but eiter way your present is multi layered and will take the span of the next few months to give. oh, funny story, i accidentally called chris, yara's old boyfriend, i thought it was another chris and asked if i could talk to 'chris' and asked him if he was going to meet us for mexican and he was like who is this and i was like jes, and then i was like this isn't chris morrison is it, haha, and then it took me like a full 2 days, until i remembered what the 617 area code was to figure out that i had called him. oops!
okay, i've got to go tuck in those under 21 year olds... haha. oh, i've got a new crush. more later.
the other one

Anónimo dijo...

I am a worthless friend too, with the lack of Bday wishing. so HAPPY BIRHTDAY!

And on the other note...ekk! for seniors. Yeah I finished my outline for my thesis today. NOw i just need to decide what to next with my life and take GREs. I also like the pants suit for the laurel parade...and covocation...I have no idea what to wear yet.

Well well that is all. I hope you are enjoyed warm TX, while your boy and I are in the cold grey north.


Anónimo dijo...
Este blog ha sido eliminado por un administrador de blog.
jes dijo...

Thanks for the birthday wishes guys!

its like 92 degrees here and thats because we're being hit with a cold front, if not it would be like 100ish.

Anónimo dijo...

i don't know how i removed my comment, but all i was saying was that ev's right and that it was 60 degrees in late july as i typed my comment.

oh, and happy birthday.