julio 05, 2002


You are restricted. Well done, you're now
practically adult in nature, and plus, you
get to see nudity - have fun.

"Which Movie Classification Are You?"
Test created by Jamie - take it here.

hehe...i remember having a coversation with someone once, i think when they made a movie about selina and the movie was rated pg, and i just remember saying that i hope that when the movie about my life is made (or if there is one made) that it at the very least is pg-13. I'm happy to know that it would be R rated.

what i really wish i was though would be:


You're illegal in most developed countries, and your
possession is punishable by death in at least 5.

"Which Movie Classification Are You?"
Test created by Jamie - take it here.

then i could really have some fun.

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