so school has started but this school year is different for a number of different reasons like: i'm taking 3 courses off campus (hampshire, umass, and smith), i now am the happy "owner" of an adorable honda civic, and of course i'm a senior.
its basically all randomness as I wander from one campus to another being the girl thats a little too conservative/clean for Hampshire, a little too snotty for umass, and bringing up really random points at smith. My fear is that this is going to be the semester where I turn into "that girl" that everyone hates, since she's just so excited she can't keep her mouth shut. I really cant figure Smith out since it really should be exactly the same as Mount Holyoke but I'm finding that this is the class whose readings are the most interesting, but the discussion isnt that stimulating until the Mount Holyoke block begins to raise random points. so umm yea. be jealous of my workload because really my classes rock. while other people are learning about [insert boring engineering things] i get to read about sex, politics, and current events. Mostly is all about sex.
ah i'm also learning about plants since this is the semester where i'm fullfilling my lab science requirement by taking bio.145 "A Green World" which is my one class at Mount Holyoke. and its filled with first years. delicious. i would seriously hate this class except that the prof is soo excited about plants that you cant help but really get into it. Like for example did you know that flowering plants are highly evolved and that the entire reason for that display is for sex. And the coconut is the largest seed.
so umm yea. i have a car. it rocks. plants are cool. and i'm exhausted already and its only the second week. but i love it.
Bush is drinking again. (Which could be a good thing since when he was an alcholic he wasnt off destroying the world, he was just partying and having a good time.)
the south is fighting the good fight again, this time with alcohol.
Ugh. That's all i'm going to say about that.
I'm starting to think that the kids who drop out of college are the most successful.