agosto 27, 2002

i am so freaking tired. so tired. it was like 8 of clock and i was falling asleep, if ur name is the fabulous Annita Vembu ur ass needs to call me (413-493-4540) or just hurry up and move in bc i miss u, (although katherine, melissa, and i are having a marvelous time here) but yea, so i have 34 ppl on my hall. 34! thats a bunch of ppl for me to be responsible for, i'm kinda slightly, well really scared. oh and i miss the boy, who i hope is cleaning some damn toilets, bc he hasnt (to my knowledge) called me.

umm yea, training to be an SA (or RA whatever) is really interesting, i now know more about alcohol than i may ever have wanted to know. but yea, its cool. its not like i'm learning how to mix drinks or anything (which would be useful) i'm just learning how to tell if peps are alcoholics.

ohhh and the best part ( u ready?) i got as many free condoms as i wanted. not like i'm actually going to use like 30 something condoms (the walls are thin and the boy might as well be a damn saint, i was gonna say priest but we all know that doesnt really stop ppl) so yea, my feet are tired, and i wont get my computer until maybe a week from now, (sucks but its the life when u live in texas and go to school in mass)

ohhh and my bro was a saint and brought all of my stuff to me, which is above and beyond what he needed to do. love that.

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