diciembre 08, 2003

I'm losing my mind

I just spent the last 30 minutes trying to remember where I knew this woman from that I opened the door for...and it was weird because I remembered the general direction where I knew her from, like I knew I had met her on the side of campus by the gym, career center, and the health center. and then I was like did I meet her this summer? Is she a nurse? I could not for the life of me remember. Then like 30 minutes passed and it just came to me, she was my yoga instructor but I didnt recognize her bc she was wearing normal clothing. Yea. I need sleep.

But instead I will diligently work on my research for my fem and queer paper. must be brilliant. must. thats the problem with having other intelligent oveachievers in your class, you know you can't slack off. Especially since we're posting our papers online...and their going to read my stuff. eeeek! must write.

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