abril 19, 2006

Just give me a block and I'll be ok

Texas is lovely. The traffic however is not. Since I take my mom to work I'm in the car for 2 hours everyday (30 minutes there and back). Which is actually not bad for Houston, which is what's sick about this. And is one of the many reasons I can't live in Houston. Well that and the fact that if I got a job here I would have to move to the other side of town to have some space between me and my lovely folks. Because I'm weird like that.

I'm just not telling them that I wont be living in Houston permanently, because this news would give them much sadness. Specifically my daddy who was pretty much like "oh ok that didn't work but now you can live here, or in San Antonio or Austin or anywhere in Texas really." I didn't have the heart to tell him that I haven't applied to anything in Texas. Its not that I don't ever want to live in Texas, I do. I just don't want to live in Texas now. My reasoning goes that once I move to Texas it'll be permanent, you know with kids and such. Like I'll probably die in Texas. Unless I die on some weird trip through the Amazon or something, in which case I'll die there. Basically I'm not ready for settling in for death so I don't want to live in Texas. Yea, my logic is a thing of beauty.

This whole experience is really funny though. In an amusing painful sort of way. The whole fresh breakup and looking for a job at the same time thing has forced me to really figure what it is that gives me worth. Which is stupid because I have the most over inflated ego as it is, but I've noticed that this breakup has changed the way people relate to me. My parents are treating me with kid gloves, like I'm on suicide watch or something, and it only serves to bum me out not make me feel better about life. Like having my mom call me 3 times a day while she's at work and ask me if I'm ok only serves to reinforce the fact that if I'm not okay that's perfectly acceptable and they'll understand and that they need to know to help me. Meanwhile I'm wondering if there's something wrong with me for not spending my days munching on some hagen daz.

Its no wonder that instead I'm spending my days randomly emailing alums and asking if they like Mexico City. Or trying to figure out how I can get a job in Colombia or Venezuela, just so I don't have to deal with this whole let's pity jes thing. Of course I'm not telling my parents any of these plans because its just bad form to tell your immigrant parents who rearranged their entire lives so you could live in this country that you'd like to leave now. I know they'd be cool with it (well my dad would be my mom would throw a fit) but its just easier to avoid the conversation until things are settled.

And yea that's that. Here are some links I deemed amusing enough to share with you on this fine day:

* This map is pretty cool. It shows where major religion in the US are located. I think I saw it first on boing boing.

* Nothing takes place in a vacuum, everything takes place inside a social context. Flashing your breast in public is apparently no exception.

* Apparently breast are hot right now, with this study saying that women with fake breasts are more prone to suicide.

* This video is so bizarre so weird that you must watch it right now. Its a little long but sooo worth it. Its in Russian and Japanese using both old and new cartoon animation and is so beautifully odd. I finished watching it and my brain could not comprehend what had just happened.

* Ten things every microsoft word user should know via lifehacker

* I love abstinence posters and bears and pens because its always a guaranteed laugh. This poster, does not disappoint. If you dont click through it says that "Men appreciate things more when they have to work hard for them...so dont be easy!" and shows a woman in a wedding dress. Yea. So much wrong with this argument. Implied in it are goofy things like "men are pigs keep them at bay by keeping your legs shut" and "the purpose of sex is to trap men into marriage." Blah. Like women don't like sex. Or women dont need to be trapped into marriage. Or that there's something wrong with being easy. Anyways if you want to buy me the laminated version its 17 bucks. via feministing

* Okay. First off I found this here. Secondly you dont want to open this at work, or around people unless you want people to see you browse through a listing of rock stars and their penis sizes. Its up to you. I'm not really that much into rock (I grew out of my punk stage pretty quickly) so I just glanced through it. Its umm a good read if umm you're into that kind of thing.

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