marzo 24, 2006

Home is where my habits have a habitat

The truth is one of those things that's an acquired taste. Some people love it, while others hate it and prefer to have it only with a spoonful of sugar. As someone that spent a good chunk of my life trying to block out reality I've learned to love truth. In some ways this is my down fall since I encounter people who would rather hear a sweeter version of the truth, and then I come along and chop down all their rainbows and unicorns and then you know we cant be friends. But the thing is I'd always rather just know what's what. More than that though I like to just cut to the chase, without any of the niceties that normally go along with it. Like quit all the chit chat and just tell me if I'm dying, or your leaving, or you'd rather date men. Whatever it is I'd rather know now and be firmly rooted in reality than off chasing my little ponies. Or whatever. Which is probably why particular things just get on my nerves. Like fantasy role playing games. Like I'm all for expanding your imagination, but your telling me your a grown ass man and you want to dress up like a storm trooper? Its one thing if its a kinky sex thing, but if that's just your idea of a good time on a Saturday night I'm going to look at you funny. And mock you. Endlessly.

The thing is I completely understand that reality sucks. The world is falling apart at the seams. Not just here in the states, but everywhere. And that makes anyone want to hide under the covers. But the way to deal with that is head on, not by pretending you're a wizard. Because you're not a wizard. It just seems to be a form of apathy that's particularly troublesome since it to comes out of privileged white kids that have a much easier go at life to begin with. Which I know is a complete blanket statement that is based solely on the fact that I never saw anyone at the booker running around in a cape. Of which I saw more than my fair share while at moho. And not a cape as in a whimsical alternative to a coat, but a cape as in I'd rather be in Narnia.

I had a point. Ah yes. Apathy. So not cool. Especially if your privileged. Especially if you don't have a whole world of injustice coming at you since before you were born. The counterpoint of this of course if apathy amongst those of us that aren't white, or upper class, or male, or you get the point. Its one thing to be apathetic when the system or the "man" works in your favor, and quite another to be apathetic when your the one who is being screwed. Then it stops being cute, and starts being stupid. You might as well just walk yourself right back to the plantation because you're missing the whole point. More than that though, if you're not passionate about something, or angry about something, or sad about something especially in our current political climate then you're not really living. And what's the point of that?

That being said I understand the value of mindless entertainment. Turning your brain off every now and then ensures that you don't burn out a la "all work and no play makes jack a dull boy." In the spirit of this I present to you my newest crush via my guilty previously secret pleasure of the food network. The thing about Santos is that its very where's Waldo because he's quietly behind the scenes in every food network show (that's filmed in nyc). If Emeril screws something up Santos magically appears and makes things better. The knowledge that Santos could appear makes any show that much more wonderful. Because when he does show up he's always super dreamy and usually carrying an extra bowl of chopped onions or potatoes or breadcrumbs or whatever else the host might need. Oh and just so you know, that picture, totally not doing him any justice since a) he never smiles on camera (giving him a whole rebel without a case thing that I'm totally into right now) and b) he's a billion times cuter than that.

And now the links:

* My very first serious crush that could have turned me into a stalker, but didn't because I have more sense than that is trying to once again lure me into a life of endless groupiedom. He might just win this fight.

* For a while my big goal in life was to go on Jeopardy. I have since expanded my goals. However if you're still interested this might be your best shot.

* "Iraq is not your girlfriend. And if she was you couldn't treat her like that." Not a new argument, but one that I never tire of hearing.

* One of those funny online sex quizzes, this time designed to test your knowledge of sex in film. I did horribly, just so you know.

* Dog the Bounty Hunter is getting married. You care because there's a mullet involved in the wedding.

* I'm one of those people that loves being right. I'd rather be right than be friends with people, since I've learned that being right keeps me warmer at night than things like compromise or thinking before you speak. Anyways this post brings in a ton of people to my little blog, and when I realized that I was a little horrified since I was being particularly obnoxious that day given that we had just lost an election and what not. This article however reminds me that even when I'm completely off my meds I make more sense than most people.

* Slum ecology. A worthwhile read if you're in the mood to use your brain.

* Most rape victims don't come forward because they're afraid (with good reason) that they're going to be subjected to horrific personal attacks in the vein of "well she's a whore so she was asking to be raped." Hopefully this case can change all that, or at the very least change things just a wee bit.

* Funny video that further illustrates how incredibly stupid people can be.

* Slate tells us why gay marriage does not equal polygamy. My favorite part: "Fidelity isn't natural, but jealousy is. Hence the one-spouse rule. One isn't the number of people you want to sleep with. It's the number of people you want your spouse to sleep with."

* An adorable little comic strip, that encourages all of us feeble minded girls to give Bill Napoli a call when life's big choices get us down.

* How to become an early riser.

* A South Dakota newspaper refuses to run editorials on abortion because they fear people will get too upset. This post smashes that idea into tiny little pieces using humor and sarcasm.

*And finally a fish bowl in the shape of a fish. Very zen. If you're into creepy there's always this.

* Links of course come from my wandering around the web to awesome places such as Salon's Broadsheet and Feministing. Oh and the title is Fiona Apple, and if you didn't know that you are a sad sad person.

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