marzo 07, 2006

South Dakota is an attention whore

Here's the thing. I never liked South Dakota. I have never once thought about moving there or going there on vacation. In reality I think the only time I ever gave South Dakota any thought was when I was being tested on the locations of US States, which means (since I went to public school) were talking like 5th grade (right brent?). But we were never not friends. I didn't have any of the foul feelings about South Dakota that I had about other places like New Jersey (it smells), Arkansas (inbreeding), or Maine (seriously it might as well be Canada). Until now. Now South Dakota is dead to me. Its become more backwards in my mind than Mississippi (which I've actually been to and while beautiful is backwards). Ban abortion? Seriously? You're not joking? Your serious? Not joking? Uh you do realize that people have sex right? Like all the time. When they're not married. You see that chair? People have done it on that chair. That's probably cum your sitting on Mr. Governor.

The thing is abortion while unpleasant is like death and taxes. It happens all the time for all sorts of reasons and no one throws a parade when it shows up. You just deal with it and then have a snickers to take the taste out of your mouth. Blah whatever. That's all I'm going to say about that.

*Slate does a nice analysis of the inherent hypocrisy of the ban here. Its a short read I promise.

*A very interesing longer read on the interscetion of abortion politics and class, by Meghan Daum.

Oh and if you think that maybe I'm over reacting because you know I'm a man hating feminist (which I am ask my friends) you can read what South Dakota legislator Bill Napoli had to say about making exceptions to the bill:

"A real-life description to me would be a rape victim, brutally raped, savaged. The girl was a virgin. She was religious. She planned on saving her virginity until she was married. She was brutalized and raped, sodomized as bad as you can possibly make it, and is impregnated. I mean, that girl could be so messed up, physically and psychologically, that carrying that child could very well threaten her life." -BILL NAPOLI

Better yet you can watch it here.
He sounds like such a pleasant man, this Bill Napoli.

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Biting and hilarious, though what else could one expect from you? If I had known about your blog while at UMass it would have ruined my studenty ways...I've found my new source of procrastinatory entertainment!

jes dijo...

Oh no the pressure is on!

Brendth dijo...

Thank you... sane folks like you are my anti-drug. Yes, it was 5th Grade; the capitol is Pierre. No one cared.

jes dijo...

Good job there remembering the capital. Because I sure as hell didnt keep that one in my brain.