septiembre 18, 2003

my schedule is out to kill me

every week so far is the same thing. The beginning of my week is all running around trying to stay on top of all my readings and my other fun obligations, and then all of a sudden its Thursday and I don't even know it because all the days are so long and blended together that I didn't really think I would actually get to see Thursday and then its here and I realize that I cant relax yet because the next week is already starting and all I want to do is catch my breath before I start it all over again. I'm trying to decide if I should go to Boston for the weekend and have some fun or just stay home and be productive. I really really want to see andyroo bc we've just had such a rough go at it this summer that I really want to just celebrate the fact that we've made it this long and are still together. At the same time though I know that I should stay and be responsible and do my readings, clean and organize my room (I still haven't finished unpacking), and just not add more stress into my life. But I really want to see him, although I am going to see him next weekend for the formal...I don't know. This entire week I've been pretty on top of things, and waking up early and doing my work and cleaning and just generally being responsible, I know I need a break, I just don't know if I can wait a week until that break happens.

decisions decisions

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