julio 10, 2003

jessica vs the ants

i hate ants, so of course a few of them decided to move in while i was away in Boston. So I cleaned everything and then bleached it and i thought that they would just go away. They didnt. Then I started being insanely careful about where I ate making sure that if a crumb fell anywhere on the floor i would immediately clean it up. But even with no food the ants would not go away. then i read something about ants hating baby powder so i sprinkled it everywhere they could possibly be, it seems to be working. like after i sprayed them i saw like 7 ants that seemed upset and they did not seem to enjoy the baby powder raining down on them. so i went to bed feeling relieved that they were finally going to go away. But i think they just went on the offensive bc something bit me and i think it was an ant, so then i couldnt sleep so now i'm sleep deprived, itchy bc of the damn ant bite, and afraid to eat anything bc of the ants. i cant wait to move into a new room so i can get some sleep...and be away from the ants.

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