marzo 11, 2004

Going home! Going home! Going home!

Its funny, I've been here for 3yrs now, and Texas is still home. right now I think its more of a weather thing than anything else, so home=someplace warm. Although sometimes I do feel that Moho is home, but this year its been a little odd since Yara left and I never see Ev so my room isn't really "home" its more of a place I rarely see. but yea, very excited about Texas, about seeing my mami, and my dad and eating (!!!) and about just taking a break from Moho to re-examine and re-gain my focus. I need to figure out how to make a great summer happen, since after the fiasco that was summer 03' I feel I deserve to have a rocking summer. well see though.

today is a beautiful day though, but I think it just has to do with perspective and having just a positive character about things. I'm starting to realize that although I'm a realist and rather blunt about situations, I'm actually a very optimistic person, like whenever I hear ppl say that "oh well that will never happen, its impossible" I just think that's such a narrow view of time. Humanity has accomplished so much in the short period of time that we have been in existence. There's nothing that is impossible. I think this new perspective has been brought about by two changes in my frame of reference: 1) my friends are all positive people, and having no drama in ur life just helps have a positive view of what's possible and 2) I've started to see that I'm much more connected with my past/history than I've ever thought before. Things are accomplished in generations, not in singular lifetimes, and best of all is that your not alone in any of it since your tie to your family takes you back to the very beginning of time and forward into the future. so all in all very exciting.

and now getting of my sappy soapbox, I'll leave you with some gross tidbits of what people are doing with dead people:
*Yea, this is just much to disgusting to really think about
*As is this

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