marzo 02, 2004


Today was not the death of me as most Tuesday's are. I think it has everything to do with the fact that the weather has finally turned and its beautiful 50 degree, the snow has melted (almost completly), and its just fresh and cool. Spring, summer, and fall are really my favorite seasons. Okay so really I just hate winter, it drags the life out of me and makes me want to hibernate and die. Thats probably what i get for being born in the land of 80 degree weather. yumm. 80 degrees. Right now though I'm just marveling at how gorgeous 50 is. It is being rumored that sometime in the next week it will hit 60 degrees, which means that I will finally *finally* be able to wear my beautiful yellow dress. yay!

so this is my excitement for the day. actually no, my excitement is that I'm going home! From March 11 to the 18th I will be in beautiful wonderous Texas! with my mommy! and daddy! yay! and before people start getting their panties in a knot, yes I will see y'all too put first I'm going to go to beach with my mami. Because she gave birth to me. and she rocks. the end.

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