octubre 02, 2003


Wednesdays try to kill me, and this last one damn near succeeded too. I started my day by waking up at 5:30am since I wanted to be ultra good and study for 6hrs before classes started, well I went to the bathroom and then came back into my room and I heard screaming, and not like happy "hey its the crew team lets scream" screaming (the crew team likes to yell in the morning), but it was "someone's getting killed" screaming. Being the scarie cat that I am I jumped back into my bed and just tried to go to sleep. but I just remembered that I'm living in a dorm that was built and has been in use since 1912, which does not provide me comfort.

so then I wake up around 8ish, shower and then start cramming for my corporate finance quiz and realize that I'm screwed. I walk over to class with yara (who's b-day it was yesterday and has been sick with a cold/flu/viral congectavitis for 2weeks now), and I basically use class time to cram some more. I think I missed 2, but it doesn't matter since I have to get perfect scores on ten of the quizzes so I don't have to take the final. Then was lunch, then boring Italian, then my day kicked into high speed since I had 30minutes to walk across campus (15 minute walk), change into yoga clothes (5 minutes), and write my makeup assignment for yoga which meant that I walked to the library (10minutes) and wrote my paper (I did it in like 15minutes) then walked over to class (and I didn't run, which is a 5minute walk from lib to gym) and got to class in time. so basically I bended the rules of space and time bc I got to class, dressed and everything, 5 minutes before it started.

after that it was back to the library for me, since I had to post a reflection on the readings for my seminar online, which meant finishing the readings and posting in the 3hrs that I had before my meeting at 7...I thought I was going to get to eat dinner but no...so I asked amazing yara to grab me some fruit at dinner and bring it to me...so that's what kept me from starving at my meeting for res life. which was actually fun for some odd reason, and I got to use my engineering skills for the first time in my liberal arts career since we built water towers out of spaghetti, straws, and tape and we did it in 20 minutes. Our structure was the tallest and the most stable, and it completely supported the water balloon on top. So the fact that I went to HSEP finally paid off, which is nice since I don't like losing.

then after the meeting ended (9pm) I finally got to eat dinner...well no, I went back to the library to collect yara and finish some work, then we got dinner (10pm). I didn't get to actually eat my food until 10:40pm when I got back to the dorm and I proceeded to inhale my food. and my tummy hurt. I then collapsed into my bed after saying hi to ev.

damn I'm tired just thinking about yesterday.

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