octubre 14, 2003

I love not going to school

It was a highly productive break that began with getting over my cold/flu and then andy showing up and drilling things into the wall. We finally got all of my lanterns up and my room is once again nice and bright and happy. i also put up a curtain in the entrance to my room and organized my room. The only things that are left to be cleaned and organized are my desk and a corner of my room that has a box full of books and various other things.

in other news i'm a big huge dork and i like it. i went to the library today and picked up all my Cuba books with Yara and it was just really fun to watch the librarian go and pick up all the books i had on reserve...it was like 20 of them....the look on her face was priceless. but i'm really excited about this paper so thats good, and i'm going to go and read my books now, like the big huge dork that i am. oh and then we started joking around about how black listed I am now. My phone's probably on its way to be tapped. i like how this amuses me.

oh and if any of y'all know where to find a cafe table (small with like 2 matching chairs) i would love you forever. the end.

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