noviembre 12, 2001

oldgreymen: shakira doesnt look good except when she was blond in that video
justasmurf: she looks damn good in the whole thing
justasmurf: if I can shake my hips like that, my life will be complete
oldgreymen: she doesnt look good in real life
justasmurf: have u seen her in real life?
oldgreymen: mtv unplugged
justasmurf: thats not real life
oldgreymen: sure it is
oldgreymen: its live
oldgreymen: not a music video
oldgreymen: thats what i mean
justasmurf: no its not
oldgreymen: yea it is
oldgreymen: it is live
justasmurf: charles that TV not real life
oldgreymen: her live performance
oldgreymen: not a music video with a director
oldgreymen: and a makeup artist
justasmurf: yea the spanish video is better
justasmurf: charles TV even live TV is not real life
oldgreymen: there are no takes or on the spot make up artists in live perfomances
justasmurf: ok, but will u at least admit its not real life
oldgreymen: i wont admit that

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