noviembre 11, 2001

so I just got back from the India Arie concert, and she was amazing. The opening band was some stupid band from New York, but India was amazing, they were like all this really great Black grown people in the audience, and I loved it. She was in the middle of singing a Marving Gray song and some woman shouted out: "Take ur time sweetie" and I felt great. It was great. Like smack in the middle of her set I thought to myself: "did we brush our teeth today?" and I realized that I hadnt and right then and there I wanted to brush my teeth. Its amazing how that just comes into my mind sometimes. Like sometimes it doesnt even matter like if I've brushed them or not, if they feel icky I need to clean them...but yea...the concert was great. Shes adorable. I'm convienced that everyone is just a little boy/girl at heart. They brought this random guy from the audience and she was like gushing, it was great. I need to shower.

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