noviembre 14, 2002

my desk is a covered in schedules. i'm trying to get my schedule for next semester figuared out and done and turned in early so that i'll get all the classes i need....but ahhh umass keeps trying to screw me over basically. as it stands right now i've signed up for intermediate italian, us economic history (with gabe), into to stats, calc 1 (yes i know i said i was never going to take it....but i'm going to grad school so i need it), and i need an econ class, specifically a intermediate micro or macro class in order to be an "econ" major. its so annoying. theres so many class that i want to take and i'm being forced to waste my time with 3 classes that i know i shall dislike intensely. i still need random stuff like a lab science, some gym credits (i think 3) and math (which i'll be taking next semester.

maybe i can drop clac and take something much more a grad marxian class at many options....

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