noviembre 05, 2002

my entire women's studies class rebeled today. it all started when one girl named sarah wanted to talk about the amount of work that we have in this class. and it was an awkward thing like sitting there and talking to ur professor about how the amount of work that she is giving u is not humanly possible to do. and it was just nice to hear someone else talk about how ridiculous these damn journals that we have to do for her class are. and then from there to realize that everyone in the class hasnt done the journals and was struggling to get them all done and finished for class on thrusday. we spent the entire hr and 15 minutes talking about how this wasnt going to fly with us, and how we were too stressed and how we couldnt deal with it. we took a stand and we stood up for ourselves and it was wonderful. she pushed the deadline from this thrusday to next thrusday. i still have a 8pg letter/essay due on tuesday, and a global assembly line "in class" assigment 2pg paper thing (we're paired up in 2's and we're assigned some sort of commodity like i got technology and so i have to pick, like an intel chip and say where in the world it was made, like what factory in chinca was it made in), and then on thrusday its the journals and the action project proposal thing (my group is going to plaster the 5 college area in spoof ads) much so much.

oh and in italian today we were doing pronomi relativi and this girl in my class like couldnt get it, and like asked a question about it and my professor like went on this tangent about like how u have to think of italian verbs as having their own personalities and how u have to think of them as one of ur friends and so one, and didnt really answer her question. but at the end of class this girl like started crying on her way out. and i realized that there are some ppl that have much larger problems than me. and she is one of those ppl. i also realized that i have a very interesting way of handling stress and tons of work. i just dont worry about it. like its very odd the way my body comprehends that i have massive amounts of work, but i dont worry about it. like my italian composition, and my 18 journals that i still have to write, and my essay and my 14 reflection paragraph things, etc etc....its all gonna get done. like maybe an hr before i go to class i'll finish the assignment, but it will get done. and my essay and my assembly line crap will get done by saturday at 3ish when andy shows up. they just will. i have no other option. i'll stop bathing, sleeping, and eating actual meals to get it all accomplished but it will happen.

i'm so glad other ppl have much bigger problems than me. now if i only i could get my work done ahead of time.

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