mayo 13, 2002

hahaha! i am home now, in the wonderful world that is TEXAS! away from the troll, and the other crazy women that run around MHC, but i do miss anna bc she completes me. that and i just spend a bunch of time with the girl so its weird to be in silence umm yea. let me run the highlight reel of my flight home

1. i got no sleep
2. i managed to lock my school work in a building and anna had to call public safety and bitch at them for me to get the back
3. did not pack my computer until like the hour before i had to leave
4. i dont remember a thing that happened on the flight to chicago, other than these two old women almost going at it, and i think i had a dream about uchenna, but i'm not sure
5. i was on the phone with the mailboxes etc. ppl for a good 30 minutes trying to schedule a time for them to pick up my computer
6. i think airports are purgetory

plus i got some Jack In The Box on my way home from the airport, and learned that my mom's apartment is really cool. i want a place this cool when i grow up, minus the fact that i dont wanna touch anything out of free of getting it dirty....but yea, must write a paper, and then to some sleep that i havent gotten in a reaaaaally long time