mayo 03, 2002

so I went to bed last night (at around 4ish) and I was slightly dellirous (more so than usual) and I was gonna take a shower, that was my original plan, but then I kept seeing shit in the mirror thats in front of my computer, and I just pictured myself enjoying my happy little shower (at like 4 in the morning) and something (like a ghost, yea i know thats stupid but this place is like 100 something yrs old, and i've been going here long enough to know that there are some craaazy b*tches here) going psycho on me...all i pictured was that scene in psycho with the knife and the fake blood, so I went to bed. but when the last dellirious thought that u have is like that, ur dreams are gonna be just as scary.

so yea. I got five hrs of sleep, but it didnt really do me any good. i still slightly dellirious.

second part of this is that my roomate is a slob. i just had to say it, her half of the room is really gross, theres like clothes everywhere and like crums of food, and papers everywhere, and like strange little "knick=knacks" yea, i almost wanna take a picture of that, but I dont wanna document that either.

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