octubre 28, 2002

every day when i go to class i sit there and i get a headache. all that i could really think thru the first half of my marxian economics class was how in the world did I end up in a country that is so backward and yet so powerful. and while before i thought bush was just an idiot who really couldnt screw things up too badly i realize how much power that idiot really has. and it makes me want to fill out all the stupid paperwork to become a citizen so that i can actually vote bc the 18% of the population that is voting (yea only 18% of all the americans able to vote actually vote and from that less than half of that elected the current idiot Bush) is not doing a very good job of it.

its scary how little ppl care about stuff thats so important. and even scarier to think about how fucked up this society is. fucked up. maybe i'll just move to france...oh hell cuba would be better at this point.

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