mayo 08, 2003

hey its brent's birthday!
Yay for brent he's one year closer to being 21! not like brent would really need to be 21 for any reason....ummm well...its still a good thing so yay!

okay, so last night i had the most traumatizing experience where I had to kill a bee that had found its way into my room. first i dont like bugs that can fly, i just dont like bugs, but flying bugs? thats just not right. okay second, I have never been stung by a bee, and would like to keep it that way, which gives me an even greater fear of being stung by a bee bc if i had felt it i would at least know what its like and be like well it cant kill me, but i've never been stung so i dont know that. so when i opened the window to let the other bugs out of my room (they were just the little baby nat things that flew in thru the mosquito net) this bee flies in and it like graces my hand and so of course i screamed, and it was ohh 1am or so, so i think it resonated thru the dorm. and then i proceeded to hide under my covers so the bug wouldnt be able to get me, did i mention i was on the phone with andy thru this whole ordeal? yea, he wasnt so helpful at first, but then he talked me thru the process of killing the damn thing and a good 20minutes later i actually killed the damn thing. but after the whole incident my room didnt feel the same and so i stayed up and watched andy's robotics competition online until 4ish and then i decided to just stay awake and make sure andy woke up from his nap. and i had weird dreams too last night, i blame the dead bee for giving my room creepy vibes.

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