diciembre 06, 2002

my entire body is sore, i guess i couldnt feel it on weds bc of the adrenalin but i got thrown around there. my knee looks kinda interesting, if i had a digital camera i could shouls y'all...i think i'm gonna work on that cause theres too many random things i wanna post about but like u have too see it...like for example the damn geese and ducks at this school have yet to leave, its 23 degrees right now, yesterday it like snowed all day long like nonstop, these damn animals are just walking on top of the half frozen lake and then sliding down the little hills we are around it, its ridiculous! like the big geese approach me as i'm walking back to my room and i start talking to them and telling them to go home. and then i hear them at night when they're raping one another its disturbing, they need to leave.

oh and last night some dumbass on the ground floor burnt popcorn at 1:30am. Anna & I were still up being silly and messing with Yara's stuffed animals and putting them in disturbing configurations, it was funny...anyways so the damn alarm goes off and scares the shit out of us, and we're in like pjs like tanks and shorts and u cant go out in some shorts and flip flops to stand outside in the snow, so we grab our jackets and like sweats and then go downstairs and the entire dorm comes out (a good 150 women) and their pissed, bc most of them were asleep or getting ready to sleep, and we're stuck in the godamn snow. So the fire marshal and fire rep for our dorm come to the front and annouce that whomever burnt the popcorn on the ground floor has to come foward so they can be punished. No one does. If someone had come foward there would have been a lynching at Mount Holyoke.

and tomorrow is THE FORMAL!!! yay! I get to be all pretty and drink happy drinks, but the best part is (after seeing andy of course) is that Anna and Ev will also be there and will also be all pretty. This is exciting because normally I dont really know any of the girls there, so this is happy stuff. yay!

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