junio 18, 2003

today started in such an odd way. i woke up before i was supposed to and read all of the china essays over again (oh about 114pgs) and it was raining in that drizzly way thats somewhere between true rain and that wet haze stuff, and i just wasnt in the most cheerful mood, not sad really just that bittersweetness again, that and i rediscovered that i just dont have the best effect on people sometimes. i just really make a mess of things, but i mean well. i'll just try harder though and see if i can fix this.

but then i went into work and Satya wasnt there, and i was like "huh? he said 1:30 what gives?" so i waited for what seemed like a long time for me (like 5 minutes) and then i went upstairs in search of margaret's papers, which i didnt find. what i did find though was someone that i actually know here, so that was exciting bc you rarely ever see ppl here let alone ppl that you actually know so that was exciting. We chated and then wandered back downstairs where Satya had finally showed up. and then everything went uphill from there, we had just a really fun conversation where i realized that i do not ever ever want to go to Vietnam bc i have no interest in seeing giant cockroaches. plus i learned tons of other cool stuff (well cool to me), and general cool stuff like why their putting pig genes in corn. the thing that i really like about talking to gabe is that i can keep asking him stuff and he doesnt mind he just answers, and he doesnt bullshit me he just tells me the truth and if i dont buy it I can tell him that and its okay. so work is just really fun. we just have really random conversations, which are great and remind me why i'm in beautiful south hadley to begin with.

oh and then i got home and realized that i had no clue where my one card was (its my key to get into the building) so i just went around the back and climned in thru my window. thus reminding me to keep my windows locked, or not since i still dont know where my key is and thats not good. i'm in theory also waiting for the fridge ppl to call me, but since they didnt call me last time, i'm not really expecting much. although i do want my damn fridge bc i want some milk in my room, and water. ice cream would be nice too, but right now i'd settle for some milk, cheese, and ham so i could make sandwhiches.

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