febrero 27, 2004


last night was the opening night of Junior Show. Personally I thought it was all going to crash and burn, since "opening night" was really our very first dress rehearsal. Everyone was shocked by how well it went. Plus I actually remembered my lines, which is amazing given that I was 1)super nervous and 2)we had only run thru our skit twice and even then not everyone was there. so that went well.

another great thing was that i did not have to pillow fight with anyone in my underwear. yes, you hear me right underwear. one of my friends was late, so i was roped into agreeing to step in and take her place on stage. yea. i'm soo happy when i saw her come in. It really wouldnt have been a big deal if i had been wearing cuter underware, but since no one told me there was a possibility ppl would be seeing them, i didnt care that i wasnt matching today. that was the valuable lessoned i learned, forget wearing clean underware bc you might be rushed to the hospital, wear clean and matching undies bc at anygiven point the entire school could have to see them.

interesting items for y'all to puruse:

*new SAT's would allow keep Shakespear from getting into college
*Haiti is in the middle of a revolution.
*Todays public service announcement.

febrero 26, 2004

What the?

okay I think the world has started to go crazy...Well crazier than it normally is. Clear Channel is pulling Howard Stern off the air and for indecency. Ok, now I'm not a fan of Stern, I personally think that he is rarely actually funny/shocking and typically just obnoxious/stupid, but the thing is no one should be deciding what is decent and indecent for people to watch. Stern has a huge audience, so there are people who share his mindset, or enjoy him enough to watch his show. I just think its frightening that it seems like civil rights/freedoms are being trampled on left and right but not many are saying anything about it.

which brings me to my next rant. I just finished reading this marvelous book about the Brown v. Board of Education decision, and I learned a bunch of stuff. For example, did you know that one of the first cases that the NAACP brought forth was on the segregation of Mexican American children in California schools? I didn't realize that other people of color, were also segregated. well except for the Japanese who got placed into camps for no reason what so ever in other to "protect" the American people. So I finished this book, and since I like to relate things in the past with what is going on in the present I thought of the current legal struggle with gay marriage. I was watching the news yesterday and there was a statement from Sen. McCain, republican, who said that he disagreed with amendment to the constitution making gay marriages illegal. While I agree with him what struck me was his next statement that "the American people are not ready yet for a legalization of gay marriage." At one point the American people weren't ready to end slavery or segregation, so what kind of logic is that? The courts are in place to say what is legal and what is not, not to just follow whatever the public is ready for. So go San Francisco and taking a bold step and allowing gay marriage. We'll look back on this fifty years from now and think how silly we all were to resist.

febrero 22, 2004

School wins this time

I spent the entire day in my room cleaning and I finally have my room the way that I want it, its a bit of a shame that its taken me all the way until February to finally unpack all of my things and put them in order. Oh well. Its done now, and that's all that matters. My room looks like I actually live in it, not some slob that leaves her sweaters all over the place. So that's exciting.

What isn't exciting is my schedule this week...I have rehearsals for Junior Show (its a parody show that the Juniors put on every year), plus my regular schedule. I haven't memorized my lines...Which is no good, and I haven't finished my readings or my papers for the week. Which is also no good, since that basically means that I'm either going to a)get no sleep b)not do my readings for the week or c)all of the above. I'm so screwed, and not in the good way. But hey at least my room is clean, right?

Damn VH1 and its never ending cycle of I love the 80's, sucking me in and not letting me finish my work. Damn you bad TV!

I think I'm gonna quit whinnying and do some work.

febrero 19, 2004

Pointless post

I'm actually in a great mood today, which probably has everything to do with the fact that I slept last night and just ate three wonderful chocolate truffles...yummm truffles.

but more than that I think that since the weather is relatively nice (its a lovely sunny 36 degrees) I'm just in a better mood. plus I had a really nice day of classes and my week is now over. Finally. Now I just have to better prepare myself for next week.

I'm taking this wonderful Spanish for heritage speakers class and today we learned about Spain, which typically would drive me crazy since I cant deal with their damn lisp, and I personally (and this is based on no facts what so ever) that Spaniards are just full of themselves because their "European." the truth is they lisp and killed tons of indigenous people and destroyed tons of people. The point of this story though is that we learned that there are four different languages in Spain, which I didn't know. So thus I am sharing this knowledge which you now so that we can all have tons of wrinkles in our brains.

*the previous posts comments are very interesting, so if you haven't already, please read them*

febrero 17, 2004


I am exhausted which is the perfect time to post because it means that theres no filter on just typing. and thinking. hopefully.

so Tuesdays can just suck it, because I start at 9 and dont finish until midnight and thats ridiculous. like I had to scarf down my dinner because I had to catch the bus, and thats not right. I need a damn car. but yea.

my jewish women writers class is intense because this woman (who is amazing) does not bullshit. she just doesnt. and coming from a public hsep education I basically got my degree in high level bullshitting. but the class just requires tons out of me. like theres the fear of being called on (she likes to randomly call on people to keep them on their toes), the pressure of writing non-bullshit papers (we write at least 2 every week), and the physical drain of having that class from 6-9pm when all that i want to do is turn my brain off and sleep. so today I just wasn't there. and honestly i think thats okay, because who really remembers if i say something brilliant in class? maybe no one notices that, so why bother trying to impress? but most importantly I'm worried about my mom, who rocks and who i wish i was with right now because if stuff starts going wrong again....i dont know what i'll do.

which brings me to my second point. I have a new found hatred for the Hilton sisters. Who are they to be born with that much priviledge? I just want to take them and their stupid dogs with diamond encrusted collars and take them to Calcutta or Bogota so they can see what real people experience. That way they can just feel intense guilt for the stupid way they just waste their money. Thats just a waste of an opportunity to help people. Also its unfair, since everyone should share at least some pain in their lives and I'm not seeing any pain listed within their E!True Hollywood story.

febrero 12, 2004

dammit. not again.

heres the thing about my life, when things start to go even the slightest bit better everything just turns to shit.

this isnt fair.

she doesn't deserve this.

i just want to go home.

instead i'm going to boston. and hiding.


my school week is done and I just found out that as soon as I declare my women's studies major I'll only have 3 classes left to finish the major, which is insane! But wonderful, I'm so so so excited about this and the professor who is head of women's studies right now is a quarter of a century old and I walked in and was a little scared since I don't normally do well with the older people but she was soo cool and have so much spunk. So today is a happy day. I can finally leave econ behind or even still do both if I really wanted to, but I dont think I will. Yay for me!

this is what happens when you take all of the requirements for a major just because you feel like it!

now to deal with my busted arm (which is now creeking for some weird reason) and to do all of my readings for next week. delicious.

read this.

febrero 11, 2004

I am a strange southern girl, because I dont think of myself as American but I definately think of myself as being a southerner (and andy if you tell me i'm from the southwest i may resort to violence). and I'm even stranger still because I came to school in north where people seem to enjoy to just bash the south, which is funny considering how I don't think we ever just sat around and talked about "the north" or those "yankees." I like the south. I happen to think that Texas is a wonderful place with a ton more diversity than in the north, and that I'll be incredibly happy when i can move back down and live in a nice big pretty house.

so today in my econ of race class we of course talked about "the south" and how awful things were down there. and i started to feel myself getting angry, almost to the extent as if someone was talking about my mother. well almost, nothing makes me as angry as that. Mostly because the majority of the women in the class are international students that are under the impression that discrimination is more of an internal/mental issue than an actual reality, probably since they've only experienced living in South Hadley which is like a road and a supermarket.

but yea, so of course we were talking about schools and i mentioned the booker and its very interesting system of segrating people based on whether they were engineering students or not, and how the downstairs people had the options of taking typing and shop but we never did. which got me thinking about HSEP and what a strange high school it is, and how i pretty much hated going there but at the same time it was the best place that i could be. which is odd since i still have a strong dislike for the school.

using the power of google I found this so that if i start feeling really nostaligic towards HISD I can purchase some humpcaps or whatever else strikes my fancy.

febrero 10, 2004

The longest day.

Today started out badly, I was a dumbass and went to bed at 2am because I got addicted to Mozaki Blocks....its highly addictive, probably because I'm still addicted to old school tetris (my first love). Of course I have readings and class in the morning...yea I woke up feeling grumpy. But then I skipped Spanish (which i actually like) and wrote a paper for my Umass class which is due tonight. Of course its all bullshit, but the paper is about which character I identified with the most, so I figure I can't be wrong about who I identified with.

But yea, then after that the day got much better since I had lunch with Jess and then got to class late. But my feminist theory class is really exciting because I dont feel like an idiot since the class is pretty much a review of the ass kicking I got last semester when I immersed myself into the briliance that is Michel Foucault. Today I decided that if I ever get the oportunity of meeting a dead person he's it without a doubt, because he died before finishing his theory and I have a bunch of questions to ask him because I am a giant dork.

umm. yes. So overall for being not even close to halfway through with my day (since I dont make it back from Umass until around 10ish) things are looking up. And the weather is super nice today we are in the high 30's/low 40's which is (let me just say it) *wicked* exciting. Dammit I need to move out of this state before I start actually using that word in conversation.

Oh and my arm only hurts when I try to raise it or when I strech it out, so thats progress. Plus I'm going to Boston this weekend and once I get done with today my week becomes soooo much easier. yay!

febrero 09, 2004

modays suck

okay I woke up today from a really good dream and thought "today shall be a good day." but it wasnt. My arm still hurts and since its my right arm everytime that I have to type or open a door or write something it hurts. Add to that my back acting up again and we're just having too much fun. yeah.

also my brain doesnt work on mondays. this isnt good because I need to be productive so that i can survive the rest of the week. but i just want to sleep. no good at all. but instead of sleep i have to write what should be a very simple and straight foward paper on self censorship and instead i'm in a computer lab starring at the screen and wondering if theres anything new posted at fark.com. theres not.

also i'm tired of winter. and not only that but i believe that winter should be banned for the following reasons:
1. its dangerous, all that snow and ice is just asking for people to fall to their deaths
2. its unattractive, yes snow is pretty when its falling down but its not pretty when you add in gravel and sand and turn it brown
3. it makes people grumpy, no one is attractive in a large coat and hat. no one.
4. its not right to have it be so cold that your hair could break off
5. hair gets messed up from all that wind

okay so number 5 is a little weak but i live list in odd numbers.

febrero 08, 2004

ice sucks

So yesterday it got into the 30's and I was happy. Today it was back to good ol'1. Yes thats right, it said 18 degrees feels like 1 degree with the wind chill. When its 1 things like water freeze and when you live on a hill that means that you're screwed. Today was the first time since I've been here that I've fallen. Sure I've had some close calls before, but i was always careful, watched were I went, and regained my stability before falling. Yea...falling sucks. Now my arm is all screwed up since the weight of my entire body fell on it. and it hurts.

But since I am now a cripple (or at least will be for the next week) i got all of my work done until Wednesday. Which means I'll get it all finished tomorrow and be done for the week. hopefully.

now read this.

febrero 03, 2004


Some days you wake up feeling like you are completly on top of everything and that you are completly in control of your life. Today was not one of those days. I need to just stop time and get in control of my life. Its the beginning of my semester and there is nothing that I want to do. Thats no good. Going into Boston last weekend was probably not the smartest thing because now I'm a bit behind on the readings and just need to get a grip on this semester before it completly gets out of my control.

But now I have no time to get it done since I have to go to Umass and take a class and then come back and sleep. eeek! no time. Another problem is that my room is a vortex where I cant get anything productive done, which probably has more to do with me having cable than with anything else. I just get sucked into bad awful things on TV and then the next thing that I know 3 hours of my life have faded away.

so yea. I have to get into some kind of order. And why is the beginning of the semester so much more stressful than the end of it? thats probably just me though.

febrero 01, 2004

Super Bowl!

Went to Boston to watch the game and that game rocked! And theres probably nothing more fun than watching a game like that in a house full of MIT frat boys. and normally I dont even watch football, but that was great and might be reason enough for me to learn more about the sport.

but yea, right after that last second win by the Pats I ran upstairs grabbed my stuff and then we got the hell out of Boston, since those kids are going to riot all night and we didnt feel like being trapped there.

Oh and did anyone else see Janet's boob during halftime? we tivoed it and got to slow it down and replay it, was that planned? the look on her face was priceless though. this probably explains it though. Another thing what the hell is that thing on her breast? so yea, wonderful weekend and that game rocked. and i wish i'd been in Houston to party tonight but sadly I'm stuck in the cold. Hope all of y'all had a blast!

Oh and this is adorable!