febrero 22, 2004

School wins this time

I spent the entire day in my room cleaning and I finally have my room the way that I want it, its a bit of a shame that its taken me all the way until February to finally unpack all of my things and put them in order. Oh well. Its done now, and that's all that matters. My room looks like I actually live in it, not some slob that leaves her sweaters all over the place. So that's exciting.

What isn't exciting is my schedule this week...I have rehearsals for Junior Show (its a parody show that the Juniors put on every year), plus my regular schedule. I haven't memorized my lines...Which is no good, and I haven't finished my readings or my papers for the week. Which is also no good, since that basically means that I'm either going to a)get no sleep b)not do my readings for the week or c)all of the above. I'm so screwed, and not in the good way. But hey at least my room is clean, right?

Damn VH1 and its never ending cycle of I love the 80's, sucking me in and not letting me finish my work. Damn you bad TV!

I think I'm gonna quit whinnying and do some work.

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