mayo 08, 2006

Atrevete, te, te, te*

So last Friday I went out to a club and the evening was odd. Partially odd because someone was drugged (minus the all too important consent). Odder still because I was bored out of my mind. Here was someone completely fucked up, acting like a total idiot, humping a staircase at one point, and I didnt even notice something abnormal was happening. I was too busy trying to calculate how many amaretto sours I could drink while still being sober enough to drive home and go to sleep. I've noticed that it really depends on the bartender and how strong he makes my drinks. This particular bartender maybe wanted to get me drunk. Possibly. He failed though, and I managed to get home just fine. Unlike you know other people who spent the night in jail.

But yea. I was bored. I was also pissed and drinking more than I should, but it didn't really negate the fact that I was bored. Yes, there were slutty girls wearing gold bikini tops and gyrating strangely which normally would have amused me as I tried to decipher if she was a law student or a stripper or some combination of the two. Yes, there was a guy who I'd talked to the weekend prior for the entire night who suddenly was acting like he'd never met me just because his exgirlfriend was around. Yea, I danced to some cumbia and got super dizzy from all the spinning.

I was still bored. Which is a bad sign since I have to keep myself entertained until I get a job. If not I'll go crazy. Or something like crazy. I'm hoping it was simply a matter of me not really being in the mood to go out and not that after a few weeks I'm already bored of clubs and drinking. Well I'm bored of clubs I could never be bored of drinking. That's like being bored of air. You cant be bored of air just because it doesn't smell right one day, its a vital part of life. Or you know something.

and that's that. The title comes from Calle 13's Atrevete, which has wormed its way into my brain and wont let go. Possibly because its about this intellectual girl who loves pop-rock latino but cant help but like reggaton and is really a callejera, a street fighter. Its totally about me.

And now the links:

* Are your digital pictures of your drunken friends and your stupid exploits looking dull and tired? Well now there's help via lifehacker.

* Edmunds tested all those gas saving tips to figure out which ones work and which ones dont. via lifehacker.

* Secrets are big currently. I don't think I'd tell my secrets to a bunch of strangers, but then again they don't know me so why does it matter? Its a toss up.

* Jeremy Priven is a new film about the quest for a super sweet bar mitzvah. I totally want a bar mitzvah. Maybe when I turn 25 and I actually feel like a grown up. But then maybe I'll be too cool for a bar mitzvah. But then can you ever be too cool for a super sweet bar mitzvah? I think not.

* Being single is the new normal. I guess my singledom made it cool again.

ps: Happy Birthday Mr. Patterson! just for you here's a picture of a beautiful black renaissance man.

2 comentarios:

Lasu dijo...

Yeah clubs are fucking stupid now, in my everso honest opinion.


Lasu dijo...

Yeah, i'd have to say i'm done with clubs for awhile too.

For obvious reasons.