mayo 14, 2006

el tiempo y su velocidad

My weekend was awesome. From start to finish awesome. I haven't had a weekend that good in a really long time. Too long in fact. It started Friday with the arrival of my blowdryer along with the added surprise of a rainbow pinata. And it just kept getting better from there. The weekend was in fact so good that now looking back on it I don't completely believe it was real.

Lets see highlights included going to the oldest bar in downtown Houston, inside of a tiny little building, so impossibly narrow that there was only enough room between the bar and the tables for one person to go in one at a time. The place was decorated with random oil paintings the only light was from candles that were placed inside beer mugs. It was quiet enough that you could actually hold a conversation, but still had really good music playing in the background. It was the complete opposite to the ultra trendy clubs we go to normally.

There was also a sing along in the car to Julieta Venegas, which is now forever embedded in my brain. And an impossibly good milkshake, which I think was made better by the fact that I was eating it at 2am. And a really nice dinner with my dad at a seafood place.

So yea. I hope this means this week will also be really good. That's the hope at least. And now links:

* I'm fascinated by Lindsay Lohan and strippers. I dont think thats a coincidence.

* This pepsi commercial is super cute, mostly because it involves soccer players.

* Is the hassle of getting your room ready for so many parties wearing you down? MIT students have solved this problem for you. Oh and you must watch the video. You must. Your life will not be complete unless you do.

* I once accidently went on a date with this guy who took me to test motorcycles. It was so absurd and so obviously meant to impress me that I actually humored him and pretended to be enjoying myself. I wasnt though, because I'm not impressed by stupidity but scientist are now saying that stupidity is why women live longer than men.

* So cute!

* Is this really neccessary?

* How to learn difficult subjects quickly.

and thats all I've got.

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