mayo 18, 2006


The problem with having gone to moho (besides the gigantic soul crushing loans that I have to pay off) is that all alums are impossibly brilliant, so that when I read the class notes I end up feeling like a loser because I don't have a Fulbright and didn't spend my vacation traveling through Europe before starting my graduate studies at Oxford. Of course I know there are people besides me who are working in coffee shops or dropping out of law school or getting knocked up, but they don't write in so instead I have to read about someone's' awesome PhD program.

Yara and I always wanted to write in impossibly funny notes about how we were having a double wedding while 8 months pregnant, but I don't think either of us could actually go through with it. Everyone reads the class notes, or at least skims them, and there's no way I'd like anyone to actually believe that I was involved in a shotgun wedding while 8mths pregnant unless it was followed up by the announcement that my first book had just been published.

I think class notes in general give the wrong impression about what's going on with alums because unless its a death announcement all that people are sharing is the good news. And after you graduate not everything is good. People end up in crummy jobs or with shitty roommates or move someplace and know absolutely no one or hate their jobs or their dogs or their girlfriends. Like there should be a balance between the impossibly good news and all the other stuff. Like this couple who you saw everywhere on campus for 4 yrs broke up but its okay because they're sharing custody of the kitten. Then reading the class notes would be more inclusive and more people would want to write in and a real experience would be documented not just the impossible good news that eventually fade into reality.

And that's all I have to say about that, here are some lovely links:

* Impossibly beautiful dolls. via boingboing

* Reason #317 why I'm not on myspace.

* If books make you hot, then this list is for you.

* Why it takes Wes Anderson so long to make a movie.

* Do ninjas love? This video has the answer.

* Go here and vote for Gabrielle M. who wants her softball field to not be littered with rocks. A simple request really. via broadsheet (of course)

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