mayo 05, 2006

Its cinco de mayo!

To go out or not go out that is the question. Part of me feels like I should stay home and sleep since I've been uber tired this entire week. The other part of me feels like its cinco de mayo! Only happens once a year, you need to go out. Even if you know your not mexican, and you really have no ill feelings towards the french and really just kinda want a margarita.

Its an epic battle.

I like how this is the stuff that passes for epic battles these days. And thats all I got. I'll let you know if I did end up going out and leave you with some links to keep you company:

* The cuteness is overwhelming in this video of a tiny little kitten with a heavy head. It makes me want to get a kitten and just eat it up.

* This video clip is reason #112 why Madeleine Albright is my favorite former Secretary of State. Cause I'm a dork and I have favorites about things like that.

* Sex advice from triatheletes. Its more educational than funny this week.

* Other people out there in the world are also pleased with Kaavya Viswanathan's big fat failure. For reasons beyond you know just being mean. Like you know what I was doing.

* An article about how hard it is to be a secret blogger with all the fame and what not.

* A condom pot. Shaped like a condom. So very zen. via apartmenttherapy

* Speaking of sperm, it seems that men are becoming less fertile leading to less women getting knocked up. Which is good news when those women are teenagers. And umm bad news for humanity.

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