mayo 28, 2006

"my mommy approved this outfit"

Last night was interesting to say the least. I tried once again to wear my engineer shorts out of the house only to have my outfit vetoed by my mommy. Its really just a matter of semantics though, since I ended up wearing a skirt that's just as short, but for some reason my mom thinks that with a skirt I'm much less likely to be gang raped. Which is really just silly if you think about it. But I like to humor my mom so I let her veto my outfits from time to time. Leading to the quote of the night when my friends started hassling me about my outfit that "my mommy approved this outfit". That I actually said that and that its true makes me giggle.

The thing is though that whenever I go out there's at least one guy with me at all times. Normally though I'm in a group of 3 to 6 guys, which explains why no random guys try to talk to me and why the chances of me being gang raped are impossibly slim. This is why I can wear a teeny tiny skirt and not be worried that I was going to be hassled the entire night. I'd attempt to explain this to my mommy but I don't think I can adequately translate "gang rape" into Spanish. Sadly, I'm just not that fluent.

I also "borrowed" a pair of my mom's heels. This was actually a pair I didn't even know she had but the moment I saw them I knew I had to wear them, it didn't matter if I was going to have to chop off my baby toe to get in those shoes but it was going to happen. They're that cute. White suede stiletto pumps require that level of sacrifice. They fit pretty well though, because the universe loved me tonight. I just had to take little steps because they're little shoes. I was also terrified someone was going to ruin them by spilling a drink or something on them and even though some little Asian dude booted right next to me not a drop of it ended up on my shoes. I think some of it ended up on the back of one of my legs but I didn't care as long as none of it got on the shoes. It was really only a spritz of candy colored boot, and I can deal with that.

Best part of the night though hands down, was the impossibly inappropriate conversation that we had at the diner where we were beginning the sobering up process. A diner located in the gay epicenter of Houston. A conversation that pretty much just revolved a rotation of the words "dyke, gay, donkey, anal, nuts, ass, and punch". Even in my fuzzy alcohol induced giggly haze I felt impossibly bad for the two gay gentlemen sitting at the table next to us.

It was really just the kind of night where you try to explain why you had such a good time, but there really is no explanation. We went to the same places we always go to, talked to the same people, had the same drinks and yet some how the evening was incredibly good. And chill. Ok so we offended a waitress, some gay men, someone was drunk dialed, I got boot on my leg, and we watched a million Asian kids acting like this was the very first time they'd had a drink. It was still a good night. A really good night. And exactly what I needed to forget the ickiness that was last week.

okay now some links:

* When I like something I listen to it a billion times until I squeeze every bit of goodness out of the song and it becomes something I hate. This song and video are well on its way to being hated. Oh and can you believe she had a baby? Maybe there's hope for britney spears after all. I doubt it though.

* This video is at once disturbing and hilarious. Its good to the last drop, so make sure to watch to the very end.

* I love meat, but for some reason jerky has never done it for me. Probably because I prefer for my meat to be juicy with just a bit of blood peaking out. Apparently though jerky is America's hidden obsession.

* If you're like me and are more than just a bit excited about the world cup here's the schedule for all the games in handy chart form. I was watching the match between the US and Venezuela and I almost wet myself I was so excited when Brian Ching from the Dynamo scored the very first goal for the American team. I'm just excited that the US seems to finally be getting it together (especially after the ass whooping they received from Morocco). I doubt they'll go all the way, especially after watching France destroy Mexico yesterday. But yea, its looking like its going to be an awesome cup.

* I'm more than a little excited about "Nacho Libre" partially because I have a wee bit of an unexplainable crush on Jack Black. Let's never discuss it again ok? But I was a little worried that the movie might be offensive since Jack Black is playing a Mexican priest and the man is about as white as they come. It seems though that the movie is going to be funny without being mean which I always like.

* Ok, so maybe myspace isnt all bad. maybe.

* And finally one serious link. Cervical cancer is no joke. Not even a little bit of a joke, and now a vaccine has been developed to prevent this horrible awful cancer that is caused by HPV a sexually transmitted infection. Good news right? Except that the Christian right is already taking issue with the fact that the best and wisest course of action would be to vaccinate young girls/women saying that doing so would encourage young people to have sex. Which is like saying that getting a flu shot encourages people to make out with sick people. Or getting a tetanus shot makes me want to lick some rusty nails. This article which deals with this hypocrisy and tries to get to the bottom of it is super good, super short, and you should read it. /rant

4 comentarios:

Lasu dijo...

So does this mean you're going to setup a MySpace profile?

jes dijo...

Nope. Because I'm not 13. I'm on facebook, the internet knows I exist.

Lasu dijo...

nga plz.

jes dijo...

its true. Theres no need for me to be on myspace.