mayo 16, 2006

stupid boys

So far this week is going really well. Its beautiful here in Texas today. The sky is so blue and the clouds are fluffy and white. The sun is shining. And I woke up in an impossibly good mood. So good in fact that as I was driving around today the traffic didn't bother me and I wasn't cutting anyone off on the freeway. I didn't even flick off that Hummer I saw with the W in 04' sticker (seriously though? guy driving the hummer we already know your an asshole you drive a hummer its obvious but a Bush sticker on top of that? are you trying to make sure you get a nice seat in hell?)

Its a good day. And for no reason really. Nothing out of the ordinary has happened today. And yet I feel impossibly good. Like just happy to be alive good. And that's normally much too sappy for me. But then it dawned on me. I'm back to normal. I'm better than normal, I'm me again. Somewhere in those 8 months in Erie I stopped believing that good days were even possible. Everyday was exactly like the day before. The best part of my day was roasting a garlic and herb chicken. But that tiny high would just fade when I sat down to eat it alone. Because the best part of cooking is seeing the pleasure on someone else's face from eating your food. Its the sharing, that's the best part.

And now I'm home. I'm really home. A month ago I was in Erie. A year ago I was graduating and taking tequila shots. A year has come and gone and now I'm just glad to be back and wondering what's wrong with me for ever wanting to leave Texas. 80 degree days are what make me happy. Good Mexican food. Being able to have lunch with my Daddy on a Tuesday just because I can.

Not everything is perfect. I haven't completely gone off my meds don't worry. I'm just happy. The end.

I have a ton of links to share with you so lets get to it:

* Apparently animals have problems too via my bro

* Its about time that science and alcohol were brought together to made the world a better place.

* How to eat more meals at home (even if you don't know how to cook)

* This is one of those things that's so not safe to open at work or around small children or the elderly, well maybe the elderly wouldnt really be able to decipher whets going on so that might be ok. Before you think I troll around the internet looking for this stuff just know that I found it here.

* Umm yea how to describe this...umm its the most beautifully designed dildo you'll ever see in your life. Until like a week from now when they come out with a prettier Scandinavian model. via apartmenttherapy the only site where you can find a beautiful eames chair next to a dildo.

* New evidence White House influenced FDA on Plan B. I wish I wasn't so jaded with this administration that things like this stopped shocking me, its like of course they interfered with the FDA because their political loons. Duh that's what they do on Mondays.

* This interview with Jessica Valenti of feministing fame makes me wish I was into women. Alas it was not meant to be. Here's my favorite quote from the interview:

Speaking of Bush, you once wrote a post called "why I don't fuck republicans." Does one have to be a Democrat to be a feminist? How else has your feminist politics affected your personal and dating life?

I have a shirt that has that slogan, too. Though I would probably have to put another message on the back of it that says: “ . . . anymore.” I’ve been Republican free for years though, so I figure I’m good. Kind of like a second-virginity thing. I guess anyone can call themselves a feminist. But I’m pretty far left and I find most Republicans scummy. Sorry, I just do. And I think that if you believe in certain things—like being pro-choice for example—you just can’t date someone who believes in an ideology that creates legislation that effectively says your body belongs to the state. So yeah, my feminism has definitely affected my personal life! It’s not something I can separate myself from at the end of the work day—it’s always with me.

My sister and I used to joke that the best way to get a guy to stop bothering you at a bar was tell him you were doing your Masters thesis on post-colonial feminist theory. It totally works. Whenever I used to meet a guy and tell him that I was basically a professional feminist, the initial reaction was usually uncomfortable laughter. Or “you don’t look like a feminist!” Some guys find the idea of dating a feminist kind of a novelty thing, though. Then after a couple of months they’re like, “Seriously—where’s my dinner?”

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