abril 24, 2003

i'm drained tonight, it was just a really long day considering that I put off my stats homework until the last minute and so I was up until about 5ish finishing it, I (of course) slept thru class, and then went to a counseling appointment which was intense but really helpful in helping me begin to sort things out in my head (my mom's illness and what that means, what I wanna do with my life, where my drive went, on and so forth) so after that point I looked at cars and began to get an idea of what I could afford and what I would like and mileages and stuff, and then more summer planning stuff (filling a summer housing app, writing gabe an email) and i just got back from a weekly thing i go to where we talk about race and class for 2hrs. not exactly the most joyful way to end my day, but i think i've had my fill today.

and of course when i wanna sleep ppl are being loud....oh well.

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