abril 22, 2003

it looks like i'm going to be living in South Hadley this summer researching for Gabe. Its all dependent on practical things like where am i going to live, how am i going to get around, how much i'm going to be paid, etc. at this point this is a really nice thing to do during the summer and its the only solid offer that i have for the summer, but this is south hadley we're talking about and its not like theres too much going on here during the school yr, let alone during the summer...plus they dont have airconditioning here...i dont know, i would be getting paid to do something that i would do just for free basically...i just hope i come out of the summer ahead. i talked to my daddy and he said that if i wanted to buy like a cheap car then we could do that, so that i could go get food since the closest grocery store is literally a mile away. i dont know. although andy is going to be in boston and so is Ev and i think lusty brent is even going to be in the boston area...so theres that. just on a day to day basis it would be me, and gabe, and whomever else stays on campus (anyone?), and the squirrels. dont know. dont know.

oh its Jose Serpas' Birthday today! he's all of 19 today! happy birthday jose!

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